Sunday, August 10, 2008

I just upgraded my Firefox to the latest version of Firefox 3.0.1, and noticed that it is hogging up 97% of my CPU! I had only around 10 tabs open, and don't even have any RSS subscriptions (Live Bookmarks) on it.

I never had any problem with Firefox before, but this time the Task Manager reported that firefox.exe is taking up more than 95% of the CPU, even though I did not see any flash animations on any of the websites on the open tabs.

The worse part is the downloads, which takes up to 97% CPU even for a tiny little file. My laptop became so slow that I had to use my license to kill and go for the "End Process" button.

I shouldn't have updated so soon, Mea Culpa! Anyways, I have Internet Explorer on emergency standby, so I can leave Firefox alone for the moment.

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