Wednesday, July 20, 2011

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  • bhatt
    05-01 09:59 PM
    With my very best wishes to those of you waiting for your GC, this thread is created for the lucky among us who received it recently. I am putting together a list of things to do, and not do, to maintain our freshly minted PR status, which should also help during future citizenship application. The list is mostly about little things that others have learned from experience (and I am learning from their experience, by reading in immigration-related forums such as IV). The more obvious things that can be found for example in USCIS handbook ( are not included here. Below is a snapshot of what I have gleaned from Internet so far, and please add your own input(s):

    [This is an evolving list thanks to valuable inputs from folks here and elsewhere, so keep checking back.]

    Stuck(no more)InTheMuck
    I didn't think of It. If we had stayed back in india, we don't have have to do any of these.:rolleyes::confused: . After GC also no freedom. As one of my american co-worker was telling, In America only the statue of liberty has the freedom.

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  • unitednations
    03-31 11:56 AM
    Can you upload the denial notice - off course you can erase the confidential information. It will be useful to us.

    I'll have to do it by tomorrow. there is nothing special in the denial notice.

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  • wantMyGC
    07-14 07:27 PM _businessweek+exclusives

    The Gandhi Protests
    Denied the permanent U.S. residency they'd been promised, high-skilled workers are taking to the streets in nonviolent protest

    Engineers, computer programmers, and tech workers aren't known for outspoken collective action and political protest. But on July 14, up to 1,000 high-skilled, legal immigrants will gather in San Jose, Calif., to express their outrage at the U.S. government's failure to deliver on a promise to hasten the processing of their green-card applications. Many of these immigrants came to the U.S. from India on visas and have been stuck in what they say is an interminable wait for permanent residency and the freedoms it brings.

    "We're stepping out to bring this issue to the attention of lawmakers and the public," says Ashish Sharma, 37, who has worked as a manager at a tech firm in Los Angeles for seven years, awaiting his green card. "The debate has been dominated by illegal immigration, but we want to put a spotlight on the hurdles we're facing as a hard-working and law-abiding group. It's time for corrective action."

    Sharma says he spent $5,000 flying his wife and children to the U.S. from India to prepare green-card documents that the government originally said it would accept and then later decided not to accept. Tomorrow, he will drive more than five hours to San Jose to meet hundreds of others stuck in the green-card backlog who want to make a public statement about their frustrations.
    Long Delays Spur Protests

    The rally follows a symbolic action on July 10 in which hundreds of green-card applicants sent flowers to the director of U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services in a show of peaceful protest reminiscent of Mohandas Gandhi's nonviolent campaign against British rule before India gained independence in 1947. The idea for both the flower sending and the rally emerged from Immigration Voice, a group that advocates for high-tech immigrants in the U.S. on visas.

    The Gandhi protests, though grounded in years of frustration and anger, were sparked by recent events. On June 12, the U.S. State Dept. issued a bulletin promising it was ready to move hundreds of thousands of green-card applicants into the final phase of processing, known as the Adjustment of Status. Visa workers rushed to complete their Adjustment of Status applications for July 2, the first day they could be submitted. Applicants scrambled to gather signatures, birth certificates, and immunization records, many taking off work and rearranging travel plans. But at the beginning of July, the State Dept. retracted the bulletin, explaining the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services had already fulfilled its quota and would not accept further applications. The immigrant community exploded, with critics saying they are the victims of bureaucratic incompetence and a broken immigration policy.

    The green-card backlog has emerged because of a mismatch between the number of visa holders and the number of green cards available to them each year. Tens of thousands of foreign workers enter the U.S. on work visas each year, and many apply for green cards. But current government rules limit the number of people who can be admitted to the U.S. from any particular country to 9,800. The result is that for larger countries, including India and China, the wait for permanent U.S. residency now stretches for years. As they wait, visa workers are required to maintain the same job and salary, or they are bumped back to the long queue. That leaves many of the most educated and talented immigrants feeling stuck, sometimes to the point of hopelessness (see, 6/21/07, "One Easy Fix for Immigration").
    Joining the Chorus

    Many American companies are concerned about the government's immigration policies. Tech companies, including IBM (IBM), Motorola (MOT), Oracle (ORCL), eBay (EBAY), and Intel (INTC), have pressured Congress to allow in more skilled workers on temporary and permanent visas. Google (GOOG), with many immigrants at the company including one of the founders, sent one of its top executives to make the case in Washington (see, 6/7/07, "Immigration: Google Makes Its Case"). Bill Gates, Microsoft's (MSFT) co-founder, also made the trip to Congress to argue for a change in policy (see, 3/8/07, "Gates to Senate: More Visas").

    Immigration Voice has for several years been a forum for visa workers awaiting green cards, but it is now becoming a critical organizing tool through its Web site, volunteer leadership, and increased lobbying efforts. Immigration Voice President Aman Kapoor says green-card applicants are busy organizing a series of rallies to take place across the country on one day next month.

    "This is not the usual population to go into the streets and protest; it's a group that has remained quiet and follows the rules," says Kapoor. "But people have lost faith in the system, and we have reached a tipping point in terms of frustration. There's an understanding that more dramatic action is needed."

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  • Carlau
    02-05 04:53 PM
    Before this thread takes a turn where supporters and opponents of this idea start another forum war, let me say this clearly:

    IV is not going to adopt this as an agenda item. The reason is quite simple: H4s not being able to work is low on priority of problems that need to be fixed in order to mitigate retrogression or other consequences of retrogression.

    And frankly, we do not have extra kind of support to add new agenda items on our list.

    A whopping 200 people signed up for recurring contributions of $20 per month. Out of 8000 people who registered here and got emails about it. However, almost every week, there is no shortage of new ideas and no shortage of opinions on those new ideas from people.

    We get $20 deposits each month from 200 people. But as far as opinions are concerned, we get hundreds of them each week. How nice? I wish we had some machine to convert those opinions into dollars.

    If you dont agree:

    Now, if someone feels offended by this, and feels that H4 issues are orphan issues, or if this organization does not represent them anymore since IV does not want to adopt H4 related issues on its agenda, and if that someone wants to leave, then please leave without any threats and feel free to start your own organization.

    And this thread has all the features and ingredients neccesary to become a forum war. If that happens this thread will be deleted.

    I am very dissapointed but very glad you finally said it, wish you did 6 months ago.


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  • rheoretro
    09-13 02:45 PM

    I am speaking in my personal capacity here. While I am all for freedom of expression and assembly, I don't think that rallies will in any way help our cause. We have to talk to people and participate in various forums to make them aware of our cause. Standing and protesting is not going to help us, because our voice will still be lost in the din...we need to speak where it matters and be heard where it matters...


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  • lvaka
    11-26 01:03 PM
    I believe after this new fees, we might have to pay one more time for the renewal and after that we never have to pay for any renewals. So it will not be a factor any more.


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  • vsrinir
    09-17 12:01 PM
    Here is the link

    click on todays date.

    It will pop up

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  • JazzByTheBay
    12-13 04:21 PM
    <Deleted Deleted Deleted>

    Sorry for the extra bit of sarcasm here, but I seriously expect us to raise a million $ for our efforts from the 25,000 members (or at least raise our targets significantly... ), and get some more ideas on resolving some of the communication and logistics issues - so any ideas that help us towards such a goal are welcome.


    I agree. I feel that the only thing that would be acheived if IV became a paid website is loss of membership. Then our PR documents will start with "IV is an organization of 200 members who are affected by ... "

    Human nature is such that a few lead and others follow. We should recognize this and move on.


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  • pappu
    12-01 06:42 PM
    Thanks for the ideas.
    Lack of contributions will reduce our investments in lobbying efforts and that will hurt our chances of overall success. In the last 3 weeks we have received just above 2K. This will be hardly of any consequence when you buy lobbying benefits from the top firm in the country. We will simply invest as much as we can get from members. If members pay us less, we will be able to get less. Provisions in the Omnibus bill are not going to be easy.

    If anyone has any doubts about how much we are feared by our opponents they can read

    Titled: 2007-11-29 DC lobbying campaign by Indian special interest groups.htm

    Now answering your points

    1) On our own IV site, we can consider adding google ads only on Forum pages. However before that we need an assessment from someone that is an expert in google ads to calculate how much we can earn via google ads. Experts in this area can contact us.
    2) Advertising is expensive and we cannot afford it. If anyone has contacts with websites, pls use those contacts and get us free space. We can put banner ads on those sites
    3) We had $20 as a minimum amount and even then we got only 300+ people to pay. Infact, since most who could have contributed more, only contributed $20 our contributions went down significantly and we were unable to keep up with the Lobbying expenses. At that time several people complained that $20 is too high and it should be $10 or $1. This has been discussed several times on the forum and we have answered many people same question. If people think the value of the effort we all are putting and the price of increasing the chances of their greencard is just worth $20 or $5, then I do not think we should even pursue this effort and even keep this website up.
    4) This is a good idea. Next time I start spotlight thread, I would request members to donate if they found the topic helpful. Likewise all active members who help others on the forum by answering their questions can request readers to consider donating if the answers were helpful.
    5) This is tough to implement without knowing who is conducting such campaign and if the person can be trusted.

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  • CaliHoneB
    04-09 12:29 PM
    I just contributed $100 in addition to $100 for previous drive. I have a suggestion, we have some very successful enterpreneurs with same back ground like Vinod khosla , Sanjeev bhatia etc. Can we ask some contributions from them..



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  • pansworld
    12-03 04:50 PM
    One of the approaches can be for state chapters to be involved and solicit donations from local members. I liked the idea for donations from immigrants who have already obtained green cards and online ADS from google as long as we do not overdo it. I am leaning more towards funding drives. For reasons that people in the process understand better than I do, I agree that the amounts cannot be disclosed. Hence it would be nice to have offline discussions or discussions on PMs on targets between state chapter members.

    I for one am not for monthly payments or memberships. That just makes for exclusive organization and we want to be more inclusive.

    I also had another important question we need to ask ourselves. Do we want to solicit funding or donations or participation? They are two very different things. Participation is not limited to monetary involvement but can include time and ability (designing banners, websites, writing letters et al.) donation.


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  • pansworld
    12-13 12:59 AM
    351. That is the total count of contributors.
    1. We will have 500 contributors for this funding drive.
    2. Taking a percentage of the people voting yes we get 500*42/60=350 (this changes as the voting continues)

    Cash flow with paid membership
    $8750 per month or a $105,000 per year.

    Probability of getting newer members is less. Contributions to funding drive may decline altogether if we do not allow people who visit the site to ask questions.

    To generate the same cash flow with monthly funding drives
    assuming an average of $50 per month=175 people.

    Probability of getting more people to contribute per month is higher. Getting more commitments is higher. Getting commitment from different set of people is higher and many may chose to make one time payments.

    I may be wrong but I am open to other calcs as well.


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  • gccovet
    06-13 10:21 AM
    I believe that there is a great flaw in the way the USCIS allocates VISA NUMBERS among EB1, EB2 and EB3 which is very much evident and if we can stand united we can get something done.

    After carefully observing the trend in VISA approval and VISA bulletins, It is a reality that EB3-I is not moving and at the same time EB2 and EB1 are moving fast in relative terms and probably may even become current ( EB1 is already current ), But one thing USCIS is clearly not considering is the Priority Date, which basically means that they are not giving a damn thing about how long the person from EB3-I is waiting for. Here is my suggestion and some of the IV representatives need to analyse what Iam gonna say and see if they can stand up. Being an EB3-I india myself, i totally agree that EB1 and EB2 should be given a weightage and some preference over EB3, but I dont agree to what USCIS is currently following, EB2 With priority 2006 getting ahead of EB3-I with priority date 2001. This is ridiculous and to even think about it, it just sounds stupid. What they can do is , They can move the Dates in both Categories while giving preference to EB1 and EB2 first.

    Please dont jump up & down before i complete. Iam just giving you an example of how things should work and how they can move dates forward for all 3 categories while maintaining that EB1 and EB2 gets preference over EB3. Let us ignore Eb1, since it is already current. Now Coming to Eb2, the priority Date is 2004 for them.Ideally speaking, They should not move them ahead until atleast EB3 reaches 2004. But once Both EB2 and EB3 reaches the priority date of 2004, Obviously EB2 gets the preference over Eb3 and EB2 will start to move ahead but not by much, let us say 1 year. Now, Clearly, EB2 is still given the extra preference over EB3 but at the same time, we are maintaining the priority dates between EB2 and EB3 as close as possible so that the system is not totally unfair to EB3 filers. I think, as one of the un-biased Organisation we should stand up against this unfair treatment in general. I hope even EB-2 will understand what iam trying to say.

    let me know if iam making any sense. If am wrong, also let me know. So that i can get a better understanding of things and correct myself.

    I can understand your feelings.
    As of now, the only solution is to support IV to push for getting wasted numbers back and removing per country quota.

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  • desi3933
    08-20 11:23 AM
    I agree and actually this is a time wasting thread. it is good that he got this citizenship and I guess he is happy but what about others who are struggling to get a gc? and this statement really irritated me "I know, the wait time is long, but it is worth it every bit."
    maybe they should make new citizens apply for passport every year and tell them to renew DL every year and after few years I will ask him if the wait was worth it ??

    I will still say "it is worth it". This is my opinion and you certainly can have a different opinion.

    If you think that the GC is not worth the wait then I suggest that you withdraw your I-485 application asap. ;)


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  • misanthrope
    10-03 11:58 AM
    Did anyone notice that GCTest's only interest was to start a fight between EB2 and EB3 folks.

    See how he opened up a thread and threw a match to light the fire so that everyone starts fighting amongst themselves and he did not post again in his own thread .

    United we stand and divided we fall. This is true since life started and will be true until the end of time.

    I noticed that. May be he/she is stuck in the traffic. :P
    But I used this thread to voice my opinion about various issues.

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  • m306m
    12-13 03:44 PM
    I have contributed $200 to the Omnibus fund drive and intend to contribute a lot more in the coming months. However, I would not have been a member of IV if this were a paid site.

    I prefer that the contributions are voluntary and I am an example of someone who joined IV as a member and then CHOOSE to contribute to the cause. If IV had asked me to become a member by paying $200, I certainly would not have joined.

    I vote to keep the site free and allow free flow of information. By making this a paid site we hurt the cause that IV is fighting for and we hurt potential members who would contribute.

    I want to ask members who have contributed $500 - $1000, if this site asked that much for you to join would you have joined? If so would you continue to contribute after paying this much money? After paying money to a pay site there is a sense of entitlement that people feel. They feel that they have already paid their due and they will not contribute additional funds thinking that they have already paid once when choosing to be a member.

    I urge the administrators and core member to please keep this site voluntary and free.


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  • ThinkTwice
    07-11 06:10 PM
    Some one suggested ..
    -keeping in spirit with our recent flower protest, we should hand out single flowers on the day of the rally

    - There was another suggession about having ballons in the hands of kinds with messages on them.... I dont know if we can get balloons with messages but what do you guys think about balloons in kids hands.. The Kids who are born here are citizens .. and they support our cause .... :)

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  • vxb2004
    07-15 12:03 PM
    Great job IV. Keep up the great work.

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  • B3NKobe
    06-11 02:57 AM
    Guys: Feel free to make new entries, but let me know what one u choose for the polls :D:D

    07-11 12:23 PM
    For the rally, I think some members were looking for poster ideas. I just thought of some :

    Legal immigrants deserve 'honesty' (like 'amnesty')

    Skilled immigrants' aspirations 'killed'

    Green card applicants see Red

    I will try to come up with some more. If it's not good, no worries, I wouldn't take it personally:)

    08-26 03:31 PM
    You seem to believe in all the conspiracy theories out there. India is no more a third world country. There are many deep pockets and if there was any such arbitrague existing people will mint money all day long. Rupee is not fully floating currency that doesn't mean you can control what the exchange rate is going to be. No company or congolmerate can manipulate market like that.

    Yes, we are not a third world country. Thats why we still see people like Harshad Mehta and Abdul karim Telgi. Both stock market and stamp paper, backbone of indian economy could be easily exploited by two individuals.

    We are still manipulating the stock market. From 3000 to 21,000. Every sadhus, saint, soothsayers, magician, poojari's, astrologers predicting sensex to touch 35,000 by this year end. Even one guy predicted, 50,000 points in 2010.

    I am just telling the fact. Look at TOI and other online newpapers economic section. Read the past year news.

    Side note: stable oil(price) is the backbone of world economy. We know who manipulates this oil market and who gains out of it? Is it not a few corporations? But tell me honestly how many countries are affected by this inflated oil price.

    One wallstreet analyst said. If you have Iran and Isreal in one statement, that is more than enough to shoot up the oil price. Why do we see calm and storm in the market every now and then?

    Point here is: if this can happen in the developed nations, why not in India?

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