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Only room for one diva in town.. |
Well -ducks out of the way to avoid a projectile cellular phone- PHEW that was close, seems Naomi Campbell is PISSY that Cadbury actually dared to compare her to ordinary chocolate. She has threatened to file a lawsuit against Cadbury.
After seeing the ad which featured a Bliss bar on a mound of diamonds with the slogan "Move over Naomi, there's a new diva in town," the supermodel said,
"I'm shocked. It's upsetting to be described as chocolate, not just for me, but for all black women. It is insulting and hurtful."Naomi has urged black consumers to boycott the Kraft Foods-owned company's products. And for their part in this, Cadbury has pulled all the ads and released a statement saying,
"We would never produce any type of marketing we felt might cause offense to any section of society."
Nay.. Nay Nay, Omi.. Mam.. here's a comfy (O)\__ __ __/(O) for you to park your ego and behind in! Exactly what is offensive about being compared to chocolate or your clearly well-documented diva like ways? For you to assert that its OFFENSIVE for women of color to be referred to as chocolate when that label has been used as a term of endearment is just a big REACH. What you really needed to say is "I'm shocked, that Cadbury had the audacity to use my name and not consult or forward a royalty check to my bank account." Let's be real Naomi you are more pissy that you were referenced without any compensation. So from me to you, have a seat and invest in some bluetooth headsets. I found the ad quite flattering but hey that's me...
What are your thoughts? Was Naomi being overly sensitive? Is her lawsuit justified?
Via: YBF