Friday, May 14, 2010

I know we have been talking about this issue for a while now, this phenomenon of good guys finishing last.  Well me and my boy up and coming reggae singer/songwriter Conkarah have decided to dedicate a piece to explore this phenomenon.  Before I delve into the piece I would just like to state that I know that NOT EVERY GIRL IS LIKE THIS!! But there are a lot of girls who claim they are good girls that have no clue what to do with a 'good guy' once she gets him after all the hollering and posturing for one.  We shall break this phenomenon down and you can choose to either agree or disagree with us just know that we are not lying.  I have experienced this for myself, observed it in others and so has Conkarah.

I'm sure you have all heard it, seen it, experienced it, but can't understand it. I'm almost certain most girls can't even understand or explain it themselves right off the bat. Why do girls like bad boys?

The Jerk vs the Sweetheart.

Typical "sweetheart" good guy, whatever de rass yuh wah call it.  Alright so you go to a club and you see beautiful girls all over the place but there is one girl who is absolutely stunning and you would give your right testicle for a chance with her. You know you want her, but instead of approaching her you stand across the room pretty much melting just by looking at her.  But here's the thing, she doesn't know you exist and probably never will, the typical sweetheart is shy, and has a low self-esteem in the sense of being rejected, because in reality who wants to be rejected right?

It'll just fuck with your confidence royally but au contraire this is where the jerk comes in with his mentality being; I don't give a fuck about anyone but myself and satisfying myself. He is so fixated on himself and whats he wants that rejection is not in his vocabulary. Now here's the thing, having no fear of rejection is the ultimate ingredient for being a jerk, bad boy/ asshole etc; and with this you have the upperhand, so ok if u dont fear rejection then im guessing you are confident enough to go up to a girl and within 2 minutes if she hasnt splashed u in the face with her drink, she knows your intention.... to fuck... then its up to her to sen on the pum pum (pussy) or not... so lets say she doesnt... the jerk doesnt care... he'll probably GENUINELY think to himself that something is wrong with her, because who could pass up THIS right?

So what does he do? He moves on to the next girl.  Truth is, the girl who just said no probably subconsciously regrets not saying yes, because now she is realizing she never meant that much to him, this is all a maybe!  Ok so now lets say this girl who rejected him comes up to him later and takes him away from the other 13 girls he's chatting up and kind of "apologizes" through a lil flirting.  Lets just say hypothetically they go home and fuck... once.... twcie three times... then he leaves...shes like WHISKY TANGO FOXTROT? Kind of craving the attention especially if shes used to having guys all over her 24/7 this isnt right, fucking with her self esteem.  The worst part about this is the jerk is not even trying to do this to her it just comes naturally.

So lets skip the boring shit, basically now she is with the bad boy... and he disses her treats her like crap etc etc.  But hey she now has purpose she is going to be the one to change him to the sweetheart and BAM, the party begins.  The more she tries the more she fails, the less she tries the more she fails. So this JERK has her in his fingertips. If he hasnt already, he could have a foursome infront of her with her mom, best friend and twin sister and chances are, she'd be steaming mad but in 2 days she wouldd put it behind her and try to CHANGE him.  We all know how this beaten dead horse of a story turns out.

Moral of the Story
Girls (I stress GIRLS) in relationships with sweetguys and sweethearts get bored really easily DEPENDING on their maturity because if the guy is already sweet/ perfect then what is there to change? So she picks fights, argues over NOTHING, anything she can find to argue about to knd of cause issues in the relationship to kind of spark it up a bit.  Deep down inside shes wishing she is with a bad boy, she would never tell the sweet guy though she is too busy pretending and convincing herself that she wholeheartedly wants to embrace this new breed of man she is dating.  A guy who never cheats on her, does the sweet guy shit with her, takes her out, the guy whose fuck ups are pale in comparison to the guys she has dated.  the jerk vs. sweetheart.  I think a lot of this has to do with maturity honestly, its crazy when girls who are over 24 are still struggling with this phenomenon.  Most of these girls do 'mature' woman things but are still little girls in the head.  These are the women who are not thinking about the long-term.  They are stuck in the present and are searching for thrills.

If being a GOOD GUY means coming last in the rabbit race, the game of life is like the tortoise race for the GOOD GUY he's gonna finish on top.. 

Conkarah & LV

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