Thursday, May 27, 2010

No you are not looking at the local neighborhood crackhead/AIDS patient you are indeed staring at an emaciated Curtis '50 Cent' Jackson who lost a huge portion of his weight for his part in the movie "Things Fall Apart" where he plays a cancer stricken football player. 

Read more to see how 50 Cent lost all the weight

I gotta give Fif credit where credit is due, movie roles require a lot of sacrifice and losing weight is nothing new.  I remember when Christian Bale starred in 'The Machinist' he also presented himself in a very malnourished form also.  He said he achieved the dramatic weight loss via a liquid diet and a daily regimen that included three-hour treadmill sessions.

Have no fear though 50 is back in fighting form, he's been eating and working out as he prepares for his new tour!

Here is a recent picture of him in South Carolina!!


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