Sunday, November 28, 2010

I remember a few years ago having a conversation with a friend (I can't remember who..maybe my buddy Tim Chung) in which we discussed him purchasing a piece of DNA Art.  Well I guess the movement is catching on because DNA Ancestry Portraits are now offering to add to your Fung Shui. 

"This new service from our pals at DNA 11 uses a cheek swab or existing ancestry test to create a personalized ancestry page detailing your maternal lineage, and then creates a 2D barcode that's transferred onto a custom canvas in one of three sizes and in one of 25 stunning color combinations, and when scanned with a smartphone will lead you back to your custom ancestry page. A true conversation starter, in more ways than one."

Its a Canadian brainchild.. WOOT I knew I remember this concept from a year ago!!  They ship for FREE in Canada and paintings start at $440.

Via: Uncrate


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