Thursday, June 2, 2011

blank shield logo. PRINTABLE BLANK SHIELD

  • princealfie
    Nov 29, 02:00 PM
    I believe you are all missing the point.

    The studios want HDCP over DVI and HDMI or whatever. There are no current systems that properly use it, even if they say they do, because the licenses or permissions have not been distributed yet and they are HARDWARE objects.

    And what happens if we don't want HDCP then?

    blank shield logo. lank paper doll
  • lank paper doll

  • rxse7en
    Jul 26, 06:56 PM
    I hope this means we will see HDMI out on the next MacBook Pros. I really want to be able to use my soon-to-be-had MacBook Pro Core2Duo as a media center too. With that said, here's to hoping the new MBPs have HDMI and the ability to output Dolby PLII and at least 1080i. My current 1.25ghz G4 book chokes on 720p so I never hook it up to my plasma HDTV.


    I'm still not convinced that Blu Ray is going to beat out HD-DVD.

    blank shield logo. sword and shield logo with
  • sword and shield logo with

  • veeco3110
    Jul 9, 11:32 AM
    I'll be there! Haha last year the line for the iPhone wrapped around the building. Should he fun

    blank shield logo. lank shield banner
  • lank shield banner

  • SuperCachetes
    Apr 14, 05:49 AM
    Well in that case, there's a clear line that a non-black person doesn't say that to a black person. It's not like the referee had an "I'm Gay" sticker on his shirt.

    I mean, what about saying..."omg...that is sooo gay" when describing a non-cool object or situation. Is that "gay bashing" too? I mean, this is getting to such a point where you can say anything that "might" offend some overlysensitive person...becomes a racist, sexual harrassment, hate, etc offense. I mean, some things are understood to be coloquial amoung pop culture.

    I hear what you are saying, and I certainly didn't mean to imply that I'm not guilty of the same things. I've been using "gay" as a negative adjective for 30 years, like a lot of other people. But every time I do it, I think of what my very close gay friends would say about me using it that way. Whether they specifically would be offended by it is one thing, but the point is that it just isn't right to commandeer that word and use it as an insult or detractor when there really is no reason that it should be.

    In this case, maybe you, me, and all of us need to work on changing pop culture and getting it out of a grade-school mentality. As long as Kobe was fined because he did a piss-poor job of acting professionally and as a role model rather than just "hurting the ref's feelings," that's a start.


    blank shield logo. Round Blank Unpainted SHIELD
  • Round Blank Unpainted SHIELD

  • skiltrip
    Nov 2, 09:28 AM
    I'd like to answer my own question for anyone doing a search. No, it does NOT watermark. Not at all. I love the one I got.

    blank shield logo. Blank Shield, Buy Blank Shield
  • Blank Shield, Buy Blank Shield

  • Sun Baked
    Feb 14, 01:42 PM
    I wonder which new moderator is going to clean up the mess mymemmory just made in here...

    A post likely to turn this into another mymemmory bashing thread -- and it's not even a thread about women or body parts. :(


    blank shield logo. lank paper doll template.
  • lank paper doll template.

  • glocke12
    May 4, 05:07 PM
    To torture a defenseless individual is sick and against human rights. To cheerlead the torture of defenseless individuals by others for your own sense of retribution is both sick and cowardly.

    So, what do you call, and how do we handle the individual(s)who planned, and helped to plan the death of 3,000 + individuals on 9/11, the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole, the Bali nightclub bombings, and who knows how many more acts of terrorism?

    Can you honestly sit there and tell me that when we have in custody a high profile leader such as K.S.M. who has intricate, first hand knowledge of a terrorist organization that we should not do all that we can to obtain as much information from this person as possible? I suppose your thinking (and those of many others here) is that he should have been given a trial by jury, sent to prison, and that we had no right to try and obtain information from him?

    blank shield logo. PRINTABLE BLANK SHIELD

  • davDC5
    Dec 29, 08:01 PM
    Got a MBP 13'' from MicroCenter with $200 off and $50 off from the member discount!

    And this case for it.. except mine has another pocket and an Incase logo in black at the bottom right.

    And got this sticker for the front too

    Razer Orochi

    Nike SB Mid Dunks Red/Black

    Element Dexter Grey Jacket

    $100 Amazon Gift Card
    Levis R blue jeans, Active red beanie, couple T-shirts, and some other stuff I can't remember atm


    blank shield logo. Ideal Shield
  • Ideal Shield

  • BrentT
    Feb 9, 12:26 PM
    If you change your plan, you WILL lose any rollover minutes you have accumulated over the past year. Remember too that rollover minutes are only good for a year.

    I don't see anything yet that would cause you to forfeit any minutes less than one-year old. From the press announcement: "Rollover Minutes: Unused Anytime Mins expire after the 12th billing period. Night & Weekend & Mobile to Mobile mins do not roll over." That is the same as the current policy. I have changed plans within AT&T over the past 3 years without losing any minutes.
    We will have to see the fine print tomorrow. Although, with this new option, there is less need for rollover minutes if you talk to mostly other mobile phones (which is the case for me). It will be easier to accumulate minutes with this plan.

    blank shield logo. Blank shield template
  • Blank shield template

  • rainman::|:|
    Apr 30, 08:42 PM
    a very good idea indeed.



    blank shield logo. Blank shield coloring page
  • Blank shield coloring page

  • jchildress
    Jul 9, 08:43 AM
    Does anybody plan on lining up at the Savoy, IL AT&T store? I'll probably show up around 4 am. Savoy is a small enough town that I think 4 am is plenty of time.

    blank shield logo. lank shield clip art.
  • lank shield clip art.

  • WillJS
    Apr 7, 08:19 PM
    Photos rotate every 5 minutes, but this is what was up when I took a screen shot. Looks intimidating on the 27" iMac compared to my 17" MBP.

    Could you please share where you got those icons from? They look great.


    blank shield logo. a lank shield template
  • a lank shield template

  • Cybix
    Apr 1, 03:13 AM
    Went to this expo yesterday, it wasnt bad, not as good as I thought it would be. Mainly computer shops, some game shops, a massive 600+ LAN fest, etc.

    took a few snaps, on my blog:

    blank shield logo. lank shield on the left.
  • lank shield on the left.

  • rhett7660
    Apr 7, 04:38 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Awesome. Some might be Coleco exclusives, but I'd probably buy these if available:

    Burger Time
    Keystone Kapers
    Mouse Trap
    ZaxxonRiver Raid
    Empire Strikes Back
    Kool-Aid Man (lamest game i can remember, but so funny)
    Donkey Kong Jr
    Bumper Jumper
    Yar's Revenge
    Missile Command

    Zaxxon was a great game!

    Frogger was Konami, however it was licensed to just about everyone at the time. Or so it seemed.
    Missle Command is included in this Atari release isn't it?


    blank shield logo. lank shield coloring page
  • lank shield coloring page

  • fk51785
    Feb 15, 12:58 AM (
    Red for Valentine's Day

    blank shield logo. lank shield coloring page
  • lank shield coloring page

  • rnelan7
    Dec 25, 12:51 PM
    My son got a "old school" kelly green DeSean Jackson jersey.:cool:

    I also got tickets for Sunday night from my brother :D


    blank shield logo. Retail Clip Art. lank shield
  • Retail Clip Art. lank shield

  • jrko
    Apr 15, 12:09 PM
    10.5 should still run, and even run 1-2 apps at a time. (I got 10.5 successfully, if incredibly slowly, running on a 700Mhz eMac G4 with just 128MB RAM, so its definitely possible).

    blank shield logo. Blank shield coloring page
  • Blank shield coloring page

  • DrupNL
    Dec 27, 07:53 AM
    I guess http://

    blank shield logo. of the shield logo on the
  • of the shield logo on the

  • Lesser Evets
    Apr 27, 12:39 PM
    Not gettin' it: people are afraid of THE GOVERNMENT getting the data, through whatever means. Most people don't give 2 craps about specifically Apple having the data.

    Jul 25, 06:24 PM
    When playing COD sometimes I get the message that my nat is moderate.

    I have a motorola modem and linksys wrt54gs v3 router.

    Does anyone know the best settings for this router on xbox live for comcast?


    May 4, 06:01 PM
    It's not the Red Cross. It's the FDA. Last time the policy went up for review in 2006 or so, it was voted 7 against 6 to stay in place.

    And for anyone wondering, the wording is something along the lines of "if you are a man who has had sexual contact with another man, even once, since 1977, or if you are a woman who has had sexual contact with a man who has had sexual contact with another man, even once, since 1997, you are prohibited from donating blood."

    I think a basic level of intelligence indicates how wrong and prejudiced this is.

    According to statistics, black men are more than 6 times more likely than white men to become infected with HIV, but you sure as hell dont see people supporting banning black people from donating blood. Why? Simply because it is more socially acceptable to be homophobic than it is to be racist.

    Edit: I just wanted to make this clear: there is absolutely nothing wrong with asking for blood donations, regardless of who may or may not be present. Donating blood saves lives. There is a problematic policy in place in the US and other countries at the moment, but that never has and never will make asking for people to donate blood problematic in any way, shape, or form.

    I should clarify then in light of my previous comments that I am in the UK, where the wording is very different.

    Oct 14, 03:25 AM

    Where can I get these date, time, weather thingies? I'd like to have it on my desktop also.. Oh and that music player.

    Sorry for the newb question. I'm new to macs.

    Nov 20, 06:42 PM
    Thanks. that saved me from having to answer him back :-) *Low 5*

    Geez, dude, it's all about saving time so you *do* have more time on your own. For example, texting is now used in situations where you would have called/answered a phone call before. Texting is more efficient because you can just put off answering the text until later (you could also not take a call and just call the person back later, but you wouldn't know how urgent the call was unless you took the time to check your voice mail if they left one).

    Likewise, I use the humble web features on my Sony Ericsson phone a *lot*, to look up restaurant/bar addresses, movie times, etc. when I am out and about. Again, normally I would have no other recourse other than calling 411 or MovieFone, or finding a newsstand/bookstore where I could possibly look the information up. It would just be a time-saver to have faster, easier access to information from my phone.

    Embrace technology, dude. It's only there to help you. You can always *choose* not to check your email even if you have an uber-phone. Heck, you can even turn the phone off while you "eat lunch in the park and listen to the birds".

    Nov 29, 12:16 PM
    Currently, Apple's usage rights allow downloadable content to be played on an unlimited number of iPods ( as well as up to 5 computers, although DVD burning is limited to archiving purposes only (DVD-Video burning is not supported).

    There's unlimited, and there's unlimited. An iPod can only handle protected tracks or movies from five iTunes accounts at a time. That, plus the restrictions on who can load the stuff onto the iPod in the first place, make iTS downloads a lot less attractive than DVD rips for someone looking to get a free ride. The studios don't seem to understand that there is already a pretty comfortable environment set up for them.

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