Thursday, June 2, 2011

adrianne palicki images. Adrianne Palicki, Wonderwoman
  • Adrianne Palicki, Wonderwoman

  • zmulleni
    Apr 22, 10:19 PM
    I thought you could JB the iPhone and then use an app called MiFi (or somethinlg) and create a hot spot that the iPad (1st or 2nd Gen) could use.

    I am losing my work provided cellphone and i was thinking about an iPhone for doing just that.

    Correct, pay a one time fee of $20 or $25 for My-Wi on demand. My-Wi on demand automatically creates a wifi hotspot when necessary so you don't have to constantly have to switch on and off. By far one of the best reasons to jailbreak an iDevice.

    adrianne palicki images. More Adrianne Palicki
  • More Adrianne Palicki

  • katielb
    Oct 20, 10:23 PM
    I know a lot of people are worried about not receiving their copy by the 26th, though - as am I.

    adrianne palicki images. Adrianne Palicki
  • Adrianne Palicki

  • SkippyThorson
    Feb 7, 12:59 PM
    [...]I've heard that some people (like really smart fanboys) know how to do it.

    I was going to help you until I read that line.

    Instead, all you'll get from me is this comment, and a stiff suggestion that you use this tool (, like everyone else has for years. I'm confident even you could have found an answer if you tried.

    adrianne palicki images. Adrianne Palicki
  • Adrianne Palicki

  • ongchinkai
    Apr 20, 10:27 PM
    Hi everyone, I want to try out taiko drum composition on my MacBook Pro. However, I have some questions...well, many questions, actually.

    1. This might be a stupid question, but does GarageBand allow me to compose music "from scratch"?

    2. What's the difference between GarageBand and Logic Pro?

    3. Do I need a keyboard or whatever in order to start composing on Mac?

    4. Currently I only have GarageBand (which comes bundled within iLife). I did a search on Google and apparently GarageBand Jam Pack 4 comes with percussion which includes taiko drums. I haven't been able to find any reviews or videos on this, so could anyone tell me how good it is?

    (Many things to consider before I decide to commit to getting Jam Pack 4/Logic Pro or whatever...)


    adrianne palicki images. Adrianne Palicki Is NBC#39;s New
  • Adrianne Palicki Is NBC#39;s New

  • JackAxe
    Apr 3, 09:12 PM
    Leaked... With intro and everything! Pretty amazing how leaked videos are so polished. ;)

    Anyways, good to see consoles finally getting head tracking, but I'm curious about how far they've gone, if it actually supports 6 DOF, or if it's just x and y, which given the console's hardware might be the case.

    And that part showing the father and son air-wheeling it on the couch was lame.

    adrianne palicki images. Adrianne-Palicki-1920X1200-
  • Adrianne-Palicki-1920X1200-

  • igucl
    Sep 25, 08:45 PM
    how to post a pic?


    adrianne palicki images. Adrianne Palicki The newest
  • Adrianne Palicki The newest

  • rgs3
    Apr 20, 10:04 AM
    Apple didn't include it so you can just throw it away.

    Who says it was thrown away, Bud?

    adrianne palicki images. Posts Tagged #39;Adrianne Palicki
  • Posts Tagged #39;Adrianne Palicki

  • Mac 13
    Dec 13, 02:22 AM
    Note to voters: Your user name will appear in the poll results so others will know who plans to be at the MeetUp!


    adrianne palicki images. Adrianne Palicki Hairstyles
  • Adrianne Palicki Hairstyles

  • mad jew
    Dec 14, 10:08 PM
    Talib Kwali thirded. I don't even know what that means, but it gave spell check a hard time.

    It's very cool. :cool:

    adrianne palicki images. Adrianne Palicki
  • Adrianne Palicki

  • brosenz
    Apr 26, 08:37 PM
    After some research my top 3 sorted options are:

    1.- OCZ Vertex 2 120GB
    2.- Intel X25-M 120GB
    3.- Samsung 470 Series 128GB

    I will be using it as my boot drive for Mac OS X 10.6.7, any suggestion which one would be the best option for speed ?, thanks


    adrianne palicki images. 12 4 - Adrianne Palicki
  • 12 4 - Adrianne Palicki

  • IrisCaddis
    May 5, 08:17 PM
    Have you tried an SMC reset yet? It sometimes helped me.
    Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC) (

    Btw, the images don't show up yet.
    How to attach an image to your MR post. (

    I will look into that as soon as I have a chance. Not so sure if that will solve the issue ??? Again, the apple help page is long so I need a few min. thanks.

    adrianne palicki images. Adrianne Palicki
  • Adrianne Palicki

  • karsten
    Feb 10, 12:32 AM
    i think that shows a retina display


    adrianne palicki images. Adrianne Palicki newpic2.jpg
  • Adrianne Palicki newpic2.jpg

  • jph.daulte
    Feb 15, 09:58 AM
    I have upgrade my iBook OS, from OS922 to 10.3.8.
    (iBook G3 800 MHz, 384 Mb SDRAM, HD 40Gb, ADSL256)

    Before I erased all data on my hard disk to zero. Clean installation also.

    After that, as a result, I have a corrupted display and a freezed iBook!
    (see attached...)

    BUT, if I boot the iBook without extensions, (safe boot),
    it's ok....

    I have no ideas how to solve this bug. I tried to re install twice, no more success... I run Disk Utility, TechToolsPro, DiskWarrior, nothing special...

    I think to understand a System log could help.

    What does <The "HasShadow" window property is obsolete> mean?
    How, and where learn to use those system log?

    I usually manage well my troobleshootings, but I'm not at all experienced in Unix, BSD, and System log.

    Here is a part of last System log

    Feb 15 08:08:04 localhost SystemStarter: Bienvenue sur Macintosh.
    Feb 15 08:08:04 localhost SystemStarter: D?marrage extensions d?sactiv?es
    Feb 15 08:08:05 localhost ConsoleMessage: Starting Apple Multicast DNS Responder
    Feb 15 08:08:05 localhost ConsoleMessage: Starting SecurityServer
    Feb 15 08:08:05 localhost ConsoleMessage: Starting timed execution services
    Feb 15 08:08:05 localhost ConsoleMessage: Starting kernel event agent
    Feb 15 08:08:05 localhost SystemStarter: D?marrage du r?pondeur DNS multi-diffusion Apple
    Feb 15 08:08:05 localhost ConsoleMessage: Initializing network
    Feb 15 08:08:05 localhost mDNSResponder[154]: mDNSResponder-58.8 (Apr 24 2004 20:38:40) starting
    Feb 15 08:08:07 localhost SystemStarter: Starting SecurityServer
    Feb 15 08:08:07 localhost SystemStarter: D?marrage des services ? ex?cution diff?r?e
    Feb 15 08:08:07 localhost SystemStarter: D?marrage de l?agent d??v?nement du kernel
    Feb 15 08:08:07 localhost SystemStarter: Initialisation du r?seau

    Feb 15 08:08:11 localhost kernel: ATY,Bee_A: vram [9c000000:02000000]
    Feb 15 08:08:11 localhost kernel: ATY,Bee_B: vram [98000000:02000000]
    Feb 15 08:08:11 localhost SystemStarter: The "HasShadow" window property is obsolete. Use CGSSetWindowShadowAndRimParameters(cid, wid, 0.0,0.0, 0,0, CGSNoShadowStyle) to turn off the window shadow instead. Set a break-point on CGSLogMessage to find out where this property is set.

    Is ATY the culprit? But how to debug this?



    adrianne palicki images. Posts Tagged #39;Adrianne Palicki
  • Posts Tagged #39;Adrianne Palicki

  • ulbador
    Apr 6, 09:08 PM
    Somebody out there on a game specific programming forum should be able to answer this.

    Google tells me Space Invaders came out in 1978, which means there are probably many many people who have done this over the years. While off the top of my head, I can think of a handful (and probably a bit hacky) ways of doing this, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a fairly quick and simple method of accomplishing this.

    As you are using Cocos2d, probably the easiest way in my brain would be to just detect where your "bullet" sprite hits your barrier sprite. Then, using the bitmasking mentioned above, you would replace the collided/destroyed piece of your barrier with the background.


    Found something that outlines this:


    adrianne palicki images. Adrianne Palicki Suits Up In
  • Adrianne Palicki Suits Up In

  • hopejr
    Apr 26, 02:03 AM
    Theoretically they should have been removed today. If they are still coming up for you, please post here.

    sorry for the trouble,

    Just letting you know, those ads are still coming up. It has been 2 weeks now.

    adrianne palicki images. Adrianne Palicki
  • Adrianne Palicki

  • olternaut
    Jan 14, 12:22 PM
    I'll try but I'll be on MacRumours by half 5, and then I'll watch the video on Wednesday probably.

    What the hell?? Wednesday? Aren't they going to post the video tuesday night?????/ :confused:


    adrianne palicki images. Adrianne Palicki Cast as New
  • Adrianne Palicki Cast as New

  • lexfuzo
    Sep 23, 02:26 PM
    So some of this could be new stock that's just repacked for a low price? Possible I suppose.
    Although I wonder where they've dug up the 3rd gen iPods from. Think they've found a stock room that they thought they'd lost? :eek: ;)

    I'm sure there is some iPod cemetery where the undead 3rd-gens wait to be sold as refurbished... *BUUUAAHHH* :eek:

    adrianne palicki images. Adrianne Palicki attends the
  • Adrianne Palicki attends the

  • iThinkergoiMac
    Apr 30, 10:50 PM
    Unless we know where these files are, it's nearly impossible to say...

    adrianne palicki images. Gallery: Adrianne Palicki is
  • Gallery: Adrianne Palicki is

  • enigma2k
    Mar 23, 06:17 PM
    How likely is it that Apple is holding back the groundbreaking new features or GUI changes?
    I myself think there won't be any GUI changes from the developer version, but maybe some new features that make people go "wow".

    As I am new to the Mac I would like to know what's the experience with previous Mac OS launches. Does Apple wait for the final version with the big changes?

    Taustin Powers
    May 18, 01:50 AM
    Hmm. Could be interesting. There are a lot of crap games on PSN though, so you never know how good your options will be every month. Really, I don't think I have bought 12 PSN games since launch... :rolleyes:

    Feb 12, 09:31 AM
    1. Go to the nearest store and buy an external hard drive that you connect to your Macintosh. Then set up Time Machine to make backups to that hard drive. (To set it up: Apple menu -> System Preferences -> Time Machine). First, this will give you a backup of everything that is on your Macintosh which will save you lots of trouble should your Macintosh ever die. And second, it lets you transfer _everything_ on your Macintosh onto your new computer.

    2. When you buy the new Mac, when you start it the first time, it will ask you whether you want to transfer data from another computer. At that point, you follow the instructions on the screen and tell it that you want to transfer data from a Time Machine backup. You plug in the external drive, and some time later the new computer contains absolutely everything that was on the old computer. Including music.

    3. Never, ever rely on an iPod to hold your music. The first place your music belongs is the iTunes library on your computer. The next place is the backup disk. Always assume that music on your iPod is temporary and could disappear any time.

    An easier thing to do would be to use Migration Assistance as per these instructions here. ( The cheapest way to do it would probably just to buy a firewire to firewire cable (cheap on Amazon) and then follow the instructions.

    May 4, 07:03 PM
    Do any of you guys know any programs for the mac that could tell me my CPU speed? Or if not, what is the typical temperature that the CPU throttles itself? Thanks!

    Apr 18, 02:13 PM
    I'd take a P&S if you don't have a good camera on your phone. We went to Disney World in September and used my iPhone 4 FAR more than even our Canon P&S because I could snap photos and video and immediately upload them to Facebook and email them to family that wasn't with us. They loved getting shots from us on the go and I liked not having to do that stuff later when I was exhausted.

    Also, I highly recommend taking at least one backpack to put sunscreen, water and snacks in. Disney World does allow food to be taken in now so I also recommend taking lunch some days as eating there every day is expensive.

    Have fun!

    Dec 15, 03:27 PM
    Does anyone know if you can use two iTunes accounts (or AAC files from two different accounts) in the same iTunes library and on one iPod? I think I've found that the iPod really doesn't care about the AAC protection, it just plays it, but what about my iTunes library? I guess what I am really asking is can one computer be authorized to play music from multiple iTunes accounts? :confused:

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