When I tell yall the price of this unfortunate, dusty, neglected excuse of a shirt you're going to sign off of my blog and drop a couple expletives. Yes Balmain (the notoriously pricey French fashion house) thought it was good to take a shirt and add some holes, slash marks, run it through the dirt and slap a Balmain tag on the collar and charge RIDICULOUSLY OPULENT prices. I don't mind shit being expensive if it looks like an exquisite, quality piece of merchandise that reflects the craftsmenship. This shit just looks like Edward Scissors hand had a nightmare in his sleep and went bananas on it.

The shirt is priced at wait for it.....1,625.00 O_x... and no that is not Rupees or Jamaican Dollars either. That is as American of a price as it could get. I mean FOR REAL though Balmain 1600 bones for a shirt that looks like the rags I wash my momma's car with? Now if you would like to purchase this shirt I can provide you with an exact replic made by the LV Collective I even have some drawers with lots of holes and rips for sale....
Via: Freddy O