Tuesday, May 31, 2011

abc party ideas. editing Abc party ideas
  • editing Abc party ideas

  • Yvan256
    Apr 3, 09:07 AM
    "Technology gets out of the way"

    That's why I got a Mac/iPhone in the first place. Get out of my way, Windows/Android!

    That's what happened to me years ago, but with iTunes. I was using iTunes on Windows XP and instead of fighting it to organize my files, I finally said to myself "why would I want to manage my files manually"? Then I started using metadata and smart playlists... a few months later I bought a Mac mini G4 which was less powerful than my PC, but then a few weeks later I realized I hadn't booted the PC in over a week. I moved all my data and sold the PC.

    I'm now on my 3rd Mac mini (2010 unibody) with 8GB of RAM and it does the tasks I ask without getting in my way. :cool:

    abc party ideas. vb code Abc party ideas
  • vb code Abc party ideas

  • lapeno
    Mar 24, 01:59 PM
    Great news:D:D

    abc party ideas. on ebay abc party ideas
  • on ebay abc party ideas

  • Multimedia
    Aug 29, 12:05 PM
    I know this is off topic. But you guys and gals have got to go download the new Bob Dylan Blues Music Video Ad for iTunes pre-selling his new album "Modern Times" (http://www.apple.com/ipod/ads/dylan/). It is incredible! :eek: :cool:

    I think this is the best Ad Apple has ever delivered - bar none. I put it on single repeat in iTunes and it never gets old.

    abc party ideas. template abc party ideas
  • template abc party ideas

  • aswitcher
    Jan 12, 04:39 AM
    Maybe its MacBook Heir...

    abc party ideas. MUSICAL DJ abc party ideas
  • MUSICAL DJ abc party ideas

  • andiwm2003
    Jul 14, 06:20 AM
    i hope blu-ray stays optional. a superdrive is good enough for me. blu ray at the current time is a waste of money for me.

    abc party ideas. abc party ideas for the
  • abc party ideas for the

  • SciFrog
    Nov 8, 07:24 AM
    Got #7 spot on the team!

    Now it gets much harder, a month and a half at least.

    The team is doing great with 230k PPD 
    we should maintain our rank at least, but I have a feeling many windows teams have not discovered the bigadv units yet. Rumor is if GPU3 is stable, it might make it to Linux.

    abc party ideas. page abc party ideas
  • page abc party ideas

  • Maclver
    Mar 30, 08:35 PM
    Launchpad is now fixed.. Click and hold to move multiple apps (shakes like iPhone)

    When launching expose dock doesn't crash any more...

    Much snappier in performance

    Has anyone noticed when shutting down the menu bar up top stays into the blue screen?

    abc party ideas. lue eyes, and pale skin
  • lue eyes, and pale skin

  • drkstar
    Nov 29, 02:54 PM
    According to Bob Cringley:


    "Now what about that USB port on the back of each iTV box? Giving his tour of the gizmo last week, Jobs rushed right past the USB port. What could that port be for? It's not for a USB hard drive, that's for sure, because the key brain in this system is back in your Mac or PC and its very large hard drive. Nor will Apple (immediately) enable the iTV to act as a digital video recorder, because that might step on TV network toes before Apple is ready to do so. The USB port is clearly intended for an Apple iSight camera, a webcam to go with your HDTV."

    abc party ideas. Party pictures of ideas at
  • Party pictures of ideas at

  • gldfsh419
    Jan 1, 07:39 PM
    So let's say that Steve announces iLife 07 and a release date for Leopard...

    If I buy a new MacBook Pro on January 10, is it possible that either of those items might be a free "upgrade" or add-on once they're available? I'm trying to remember how that's worked in the past, but I just can't recall.

    Can anyone help me out?

    abc party ideas. to Abc+costume+ideas+for+
  • to Abc+costume+ideas+for+

  • AppleIntelRock
    Dec 30, 12:05 AM
    It's possible to both be quite right here. HD is underestimated, but having greater demand than expected is a separate issue to overall market size.

    Anyway, as you say... there are 2 separate markets - the 2 evolutions of PayTV are "on demand", and HD (or both together). People who have invested in a top notch TV will easily pay for HD players (like an iTV-HD). Others may just want to watch what they want, when they want it.

    If Apple only releases a HD system, and it costs a premium, I won't end up buying it. I'd be paying for a premium that I couldn't take advantage of. And besides, at the moment the iTS sells 640x480 anyway.

    Really, is that what you're doing in the US?

    We've got Digital 576i in Australia as our standard definition, but it's in the 16:9 aspect ratio. Apple can choose whatever combination they want, I'm sure.

    At least our TV's aren't upside down :D :cool: ;)

    abc party ideas. My+life+as+liz+abc+party+
  • My+life+as+liz+abc+party+

  • twoodcc
    Feb 10, 08:27 PM
    You need to update to the 6.29 client.

    Bigadv are still more ppd but on win side many people are switching to SMP2 because the a3 core is quite fast on 4 cores (8 virtual).

    Soon bigadv units are switching to a3 core also. I would then hope that we will not be loosing units due to restart or power loss or network switching as the a3 core is now threaded.

    thanks for that info!

    well i'm away from my computers for the next 2 months, and it looks like already something is wrong. i've had no points for the last 3 updates, so i either had a power outage or network failure. but my server is still working though.

    abc party ideas. 3rd party birthday ideas
  • 3rd party birthday ideas

  • Capt T
    Mar 25, 03:55 PM
    iPad 1 does not support HDMI out, so I'm assuming no, it doesn't work.

    The iPad 1 does support HDMI out. I have the adaptor and checked it out with a movie. It doesn't support mirroring but it does support the output.

    abc party ideas. Rock-Star-Party-Slide-3-(1).
  • Rock-Star-Party-Slide-3-(1).

  • timmillwood
    Oct 23, 07:40 AM
    I hope its comes out tomorrow, (24th October) i have been waiting too long.. Come on Apple!!! my credit card is ready

    abc party ideas. grunberg-2005-abc-winter-
  • grunberg-2005-abc-winter-

  • mozmac
    Jul 14, 02:43 AM
    Apple is frequently the first to incorporate new technologies. USB, ditching the floppy drive, airport wireless networking, firewire. I remember when I had my iBook on campus back in 2002. I was one of the ONLY people that had wireless. A few buildings offered it, and I didn't see many other people sitting around on their laptops, unless they had an illuminated Apple shining on their lap.:)

    I wouldn't be surprised if Apple was one of the first to use Blu-Ray, especially seeing they are a contributing company. They have a tendency to take new technologies and make them mainstream. They did it with the Apple II, the original Mac, and they continue to do it today.

    abc party ideas. highly popular ABC series,
  • highly popular ABC series,

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 27, 09:19 AM
    "App Store" is a trademarked name of a particular store. "appstore," or "app store" in generic terms and context is a description of a particular thing. How hard is it for these companies to understand that that's possible? Just the same as "Windows" vs. "windows." Actually, I think they do get it, but they don't want "App Store" associated only w/ Apple so they can jump on the bandwagon and (continue to try to) confuse consumers.

    Capitalization does not impact trademarks like you claim. "App Store" is the same as "app store".

    abc party ideas. ideas abc party mermaid
  • ideas abc party mermaid

  • tingly
    Mar 22, 03:42 PM
    Flash RAM isn't big/affordable enough to kill the classic yet.

    abc party ideas. relatedGives abc party
  • relatedGives abc party

  • twoodcc
    Mar 30, 12:32 PM
    Your PPD has improved a lot :eek:

    Still no new Mac Pro announced...

    On another note, I updated four computer to 10.6.3 that were running a3 and all of them resumed and finished. Can't wait for a3 bigadv.

    Also rumors are all over the place for PPD on the new Nvidia GTX 480. Soem say 13k PPD, some say 29k...

    yeah, still no new Mac Pro, not happening this week. and i don't see why next week will be any different. apple is all about the iPad right now i think.

    nice. glad 10.6.3 is working for you. i haven't updated any machines yet.

    i'll wait awhile before even thinking about getting a GTX 480. i'll wait and see how it does for others first

    abc party ideas. Arbalest Party Ideas
  • Arbalest Party Ideas

  • twoodcc
    Dec 12, 12:15 AM
    congrats to mc68k for 8 million points!

    abc party ideas. A-B-C Party Costume Ideas
  • A-B-C Party Costume Ideas

  • HecubusPro
    Sep 1, 01:48 PM
    One more thing... they'll change the name from iMac to Mac, bringing a perfect symmetry to their product line-up:

    Mac Pro

    MacBook Pro

    Definitely not. There's too much branding in the iMac name. For consumers, it means ease and simplicity with power and looks. Additionally, just calling it Mac would be confusing for everyone, especially when they ask what kind of mac you own?

    "I own a Mac."
    "Yeah? What kind?"
    "A Mac."
    "I know. You just said that. But what kind of mac?"
    "A Mac. You know. A Mac."
    "I'm going to kill you now, sir."

    Aug 7, 01:21 AM
    It would be cool if Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R-Cal.) made a surprise appearance and said - "Hasta la vista, Vista!"

    Nov 27, 05:54 PM
    Apple needs to do something to distinguish their flat panels from most other available. How about integrated ipod dock? Oops - Viewsonic just beat them to the punch with 19 and 22" versions with integrated dock (VX2245wm) - they look sweet, and reportably can play your ipod videos directly on screen.

    Jul 20, 11:17 AM
    With NF you get three movies at a time, and you can get plans with more. It does require a little planning, but right now, the quantity of content you can get in a month for the price can't be beat. If you think it's so stupid, what do you propose as the smarter alternative?

    For iTMS to beat it, it would have to match netflix's pricing as well, which would be $1 or less per rental. I don't see that happening. They'd also have to have better quality and include all DVD extras with all movies.

    Until then, I'll happily stick with netflix.

    I don't use netflix, but I think it's a great thing and itms isn't going to be able to overtake it. I'd take netflix over any computer movie rental service anyday

    Mar 23, 01:52 PM
    VERY disappointed in Apple, but hardly surprised.

    Not saying its a "Good" app, as it is clearly ridiculous and ignorant, but hey, so is "Angry Birds" and half the other apps on the store. This one is simply politically incorrect, and Appl once again proved that they are at the beck and call of the PC special interest hootin n hollerin, just like porn-app-gate.

    You don't like the idea that businesses can choose what they want to offer or not offer.

    Sep 15, 05:32 PM
    Such a rude response deserves a rude retort, but I'll leave it up as an example of what Apple users face.

    I get called a groupie and someone who lights candles for Steve Jobs in my basement, yet I'm the guy who admitted there is a flaw that needs to be fixed, that Apple says they are going to fix, and has a program in place to freely help all affected owners today. Such logic is ignored and instead I'm called names. End of discussion. The anti-Apple attacks are beginning.

    I'm still a subscriber to CR. Their tech coverage has sucked for years, but their other tests are better.

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