Saturday, April 23, 2011

This why black folks can't have nice things... $80,000

If you are discussing the Creme de Creme of cellular phone one can not mention the prestige that comes with a Vertu phone.  Tyrese in all his ignorant splendor, Twit Pic'd a phone that could serve as tuition, rent, groceries and a car for some.  The Vertu phone he Twit Pic'd is a subsidiary of Nokia and is handcrafted in Switzerland!  The exact model Tyrese bought is the Vertu Signature which contains 943 diamonds on its bezel and 48 more on its keypad.

80,000 for a bedazzled Jitterbug looking phone??! No thanks!! I better be able to bypass all mediums and talk directly with God on his bedside phone if I pay THAT much for a phone!!


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